So berichtet der lokale TV-Sender KUTV über die Festivitäten:
In Salt Lake City feiern die Menschen an diesem Wochenende die Pionierfeiertage. Die Feierlichkeiten mit Parade, Buden, Freizeitaktivitäten und großem Feuerwerk erinnern an das Jahr 1847, als Utah von den mormonischen Pionieren besiedelt wurde.
In Utah ein bundesstaatlicher Feiertag, in Deutschland mehr oder weniger unbemerkt, singen in manch anderen Ländern Mitglieder der Kirche anlässlich des "Pioneer Day" oder "Days of 47" mormonische Volkslieder.
Hier ein Volkslied zum Singen:
A pioneer song
In honor of Mormon pioneer day -- July 24 -- a pioneer song collected by the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers that appears in the 1960 edition of History of Kane County:
Tune (Keep the Home Fires Burning)
O'er the prairies came the pleading
Of a people sore distressed,
Who sought refuge in the mountains
Of the sunny, golden west;
Here to worship God in freedom,
Build a statehood fair and strong.
Then with reverence let their daughters
Join and sing this cheery song:
Keep their memories burning,
By their history learning.
Though but few of them remain,
We love them all.
Through the azure gleaming
There's a bright star beaming
On the banner of our land
And they placed it there.
They are sleeping on the hillside,
They are sleeping on the plain,
The who made the deseret blossom
With fields of waving grain.
Let our voices swell in praises
As the years they pass along,
And although we miss their faces
We will sing this cheery song:
Keep their memories burning,
By their history learning.
Though they sleep in silent graves,
We love them still.
Through the azure gleaming
There's a bright star beaming
On the banner of our land